Douglas Cooling & Heating Blog : Archive for the ‘Water Heaters’ Category

Holiday Pressures on Your Water Heater

Monday, October 9th, 2023

It’s that wonderful time of year again! Holidays, festivities, family gatherings—there’s so much to look forward to. But all these extra people and all their needs will create a lot of pressure. No, we’re not talking about family arguments or people getting stressed out. We’re talking about your water heater.

If you’re not 100% confident that your water heater can handle the coming holiday season, take action now, whether you need maintenance, repair, or replacement.

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How to Tell Your Water Heater Is About To Give Up

Monday, December 20th, 2021

No one likes the idea of trying to enjoy a warm shower only to be hit by a blast of cold water. This may be a highly effective way to wake up but it is an uncomfortable way to start the day, to say the least. This is avoidable by staying on top of system maintenance and repairs in most cases. However, these services aren’t always enough.

After years of hard work, your water heater may be ready to give up. This means that you will end up with a system that refuses to operate no matter how many repairs it gets. The best thing to do is replace your water heater ahead of time to avoid this situation of course. The question is, how do you know when you need to invest in a new water heater in Birmingham?

We can give you the details below.

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Is Your Water Heater Done? 5 Signs That It Is

Monday, August 16th, 2021

No one ever wants their water heater to fail. However, there will come a time when every water heater reaches the end of its lifespan and needs to be replaced. The question is, has that time come for your system?

At times it can be hard to figure out whether your need a water heater replacement in Birmingham, AL. After all, how can you be sure unless you can’t get any hot water at all? Believe it or not, there are indicators that will tell you the time has come to retire your current system before you have no hot water at all. And you can always come to our team to get confirmation and the service you need.

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Does Your Water Heater Need Repairs?

Monday, January 4th, 2021

There is nothing quite so annoying as standing outside your shower while you wait for the water to heat up…and you wait…and wait….and the water just never heats. Sound familiar? If it does, you need to reach out to us to have a talk about your water heater in Helena, AL.

It can seem obvious that a complete lack of hot water is going to indicate serious trouble with your water heater. But there are indicators to watch for that will warn you that repairs are needed. We have some of the warning signs you should know listed here and, if you need water heater repairs, we have the services you need too.

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3 Water Heater Problems to Watch for

Tuesday, May 15th, 2018

tank-water-heaterWater heaters are just as prone to developing issues over time as any other system in your home. Hopefully, you’re already scheduling consistent maintenance on an annual basis to keep your system as healthy as possible. Even if you are, though, the system could still develop problems between maintenance appointments.

It’s important that you keep an eye out for any possible signs that your system is malfunctioning, so that you can call for repairs as soon as possible. The following are some of the more common water heater issues you might run into, and their symptoms.

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Why is My Water Heater Not Providing Enough Hot Water?

Tuesday, April 17th, 2018

tank-water-heaterYour water heater is one of the hardest working home appliances you have. It provides you with hot water multiple times a day, every day, throughout the year. So, it can be very frustrating when the water heater suddenly stops providing hot water for whatever reasons. There are a number of possible factors that can prevent your water heater from heating the water inside it properly. Read on to find out more about these different factors, and what can be done about them.

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Is It Time for a New Water Heater?

Monday, October 30th, 2017

tank-water-heaterAssuming you take good care of your water heater, you can expect it to last a long time. No water heater lasts indefinitely, though. At some point, you will need to install a new system. The key is knowing when that’s required. There are a number of different signs that you should look for that indicate that your water heater is getting to the end of its life. If you start to notice one or more of these signs, it’s a good idea to consult with a professional about whether or not it’s time to replace the system. We’ve outlined a number of those signs below.

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Why Your Water Heater Might be Struggling to Provide Enough Hot Water

Monday, August 21st, 2017

tank-water-heaterWater heaters are built to cope with a lot of stress. Most of them don’t even fully turn off, instead staying on to maintain a standing supply of hot water at all times. However, even the sturdiest water heater isn’t invincible. There are going to be times when your system malfunctions, and it’s important that you are able to quickly identify it. One of the first signs that a water heater is having an issue of some kind is a noticeable drop in output. If your water heater is struggling to provide enough hot water, have a look at some of the possible reasons why.

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Signs That You Need to Install a New Water Heater

Monday, May 29th, 2017

tank-water-heaterIf you’re careful about scheduling regular maintenance, and prompt repairs, you can get a fair few years out of your water heater. No system will last forever, though, and sooner or later you’ll have to replace the system. It’s best to familiarize yourself with the typical warning symptoms that your water heater is getting close to the end of its life, so that you can replace it before it breaks down entirely. Let’s have a look at some of those warning signs now.

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Is it Really Worth it to Install a Tankless Water Heater?

Monday, January 23rd, 2017


So your water heater has finally died on you, and you’re looking for a new one so you don’t have to take ice baths anymore. Tankless water heaters have been getting a lot of attention in the industry lately, and you may have even had a professional or two recommend it to you in the past. Tankless water heaters have plenty to recommend them, but like practically all systems they are not a “one-size-fits-all” water heating solution. It’s important that you know at least a little bit about the differences between tankless water heaters and other water heater types, before you settle on a type that you feel would suit your needs best.

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