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Douglas Cooling & Heating Blog

Thank You Air Conditioner

A Job Well Done Deserves Appreciation

Summer is coming to a close, which means your air conditioner deserves a much-needed break. Unfortunately, you can’t treat it to a spa day. You can, however, tune-up your air conditioner, which thoroughly cleans it and preps it for next summer.

Your cooling system performs non-stop during the summer months and accumulates excessive wear and tear over the season.

When you maintain your cooling unit at the end of summer,  it will be ready to go when you need it. Schedule preventative maintenance on your air conditioner to preserve warranties and catch problems early.

Your heating system also benefits from routine maintenance before the cold weather hits.  Call Douglas Cooling & Heating to schedule service for your furnace or heat pump and be ready when the temps drop.

Benefits of Air Conditioner Service

The components of your cooling system are likely to experience natural wear and tear over time. Maintenance or tune-ups help reduce unexpected and expensive HVAC repairs in the future.

Relax knowing your air conditioning will reliably perform. Other benefits of routine service are:

  • Your Air Conditioner Will Last Longer. The average lifespan of an air conditioning unit is between 10 to 15 years. With routine maintenance and tune-ups, your air conditioner may last 15 to 20 years. The cost of annual maintenance and service check-ups throughout the summer months is worth it when you compare the price of a replacement.
  • Fewer HVAC Repairs. When your air conditioner has a clogged filter or ductwork, it compromises the airflow. When cool air is restricted from moving through your home, your air conditioner works harder to achieve ideal temperatures.

    Maintenance catches existing problems early and correct them before they are expensive to fix. Your air conditioner doesn’t require as many repairs when serviced regularly.
  • Healthier Indoor Air. Air conditioners work hard all summer long to provide you with cool temperatures. During operation dirt, dust and other debris accumulate on the inside.

    When an air conditioner is serviced, the inner components are cleaned, and the air filter is replaced. Your indoor air quality improves when allergens, pollen and pet dander are kept out of your AC unit and its filter.

Don’t Forget About Your Heating System

After showing your cooling system some appreciation, your furnace or heat pump needs to be ready to handle the coming colder weather. Preventative maintenance in the fall is the perfect option for your heating system. A NATE-certified technician inspects for damaged components, clears away debris, and diagnoses any potential problems.

Douglas Cooling & Heating offers three types of maintenance agreements, which offer repair discounts and pricing deals. We provide the best heating and cooling service throughout Birmingham and the surrounding areas.

Show your air conditioner how much you appreciate its efforts and book a tune-up. Go a step further and invest in a preventative maintenance agreement for your furnace or heat pump.

You will enjoy increased performance and lower energy bills when your HVAC system is inspected and cleaned regularly. Call Douglas Cooling & Heating today!

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