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Humidifier Services in Birmingham, AL

During the summer season, when the air around here tends to be hot, heavy, and uncomfortable, it is easy to decry the presence of excessive humidity. Very humid air holds heat very well, and makes it difficult for sweat to evaporate, which is why we tend to associate humidity with discomfort. Of course, the fact of the matter is that having too little humidity in the air is really no better than having excessive amounts. During the winter, for instance, when the air tends to be colder and drier, you may notice a number of issues that actually stem from low humidity levels.

For this reason, the use of a whole-house humidifier in Birmingham, AL may be advisable. Not every home is going to require supplemental humidity, mind you. Those that do, though, can benefit from the use of the right humidifier greatly. There is not any one best humidifier on the market, though. You must work with a trained technician to ensure that your humidifier is not only of a high quality, but also that it suits your home, your HVAC system, and your individual user preferences well. Only then can you hope for the 100% satisfactory performance that you deserve. Contact Douglas Cooling & Heating to ensure that you have the right humidifier installed in your home.

Douglas Cooling & Heating offers professional humidifier services in Birmingham, AL and the surrounding areas.

Do I Need a Whole–House Humidifier?

We understand that you don’t want to spend your hard–earned money on equipment that you really don’t need. That is why you should always consult with a professional technician before deciding whether or not whole–house humidification is right for you. Of course, there are a few warning signs that you can look out for which should help you to determine if a whole–house humidifier is a good idea for your home.

As the air around you dries out, so will your skin and your body. This can result in dry, itchy skin, frequent nosebleeds and sore throats, and increased frequency of illness. The problems can extend to your physical property, too. You may find that your paint is chipping, your wallpaper cracking, and wooden fixtures or floorboards are splitting. Increased instances of electric shock are also a sign that the air in your home is too dry. Let us know if you encounter such issues in your living space.

We Can Install or Replace Your Humidifier

A whole–house humidifier differs from simpler, portable models in a few ways. A whole–house system integrates directly into an HVAC system, and is supplied with water via a water line, so you won’t have to worry about refilling it. Such systems are controlled by humidistats, and can operate independently of your HVAC system when need be. In order to guarantee that the integration, installation, and/or replacement of this type of humidifier is a success, you must work with a trained professional. In truth, that is as simple as working with us. Call now to learn more.

We Also Offer Whole–House Humidifier Repair and Maintenance

When you use a whole–house humidifier, it is important that you have it inspected and tuned up as part of your annual HVAC maintenance service. This is truly the only way in which to ensure that your humidifier continues to work at peak performance levels. If you notice that your home is drying out once more, or you have any other reason to believe that your humidifier is compromised, please do not hesitate to dial our number in order to schedule professional humidifier repairs. The longer that you wait to do so, the greater the risk of encountering serious operational damages with your system.