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Douglas Cooling & Heating Blog

Top 4 Fall HVAC Maintenance Tips to Save Energy

As Weather Shifts Be Sure to Book HVAC Maintenance

Colder temperatures are on their way, so Alabama residents are advised to perform HVAC maintenance soon. The best way to stay warm and avoid malfunctions with your heating system is to regularly service your heat pump or furnace. This allows you to maximize its efficiency and performance.

This practice saves you energy and money in the long run during the winter months. Douglas Cooling & Heating want you to get the most out of your heating system, so we have compiled a list of tips to boost your HVAC’s energy efficiency. Try these four tips for HVAC maintenance to improve comfort in your home and save on your energy bill.

Thermostat Settings – HVAC Maintenance Tip #1

HVAC maintenance on your thermostat includes a check of the battery and its settings. Try not to operate your furnace or heat pump when no one is home or at warm temperatures when you are asleep. It leads to unnecessarily high energy use. Program your thermostat to lower the temperature a few degrees overnight or when you are away.

This practice helps you enjoy comfortable temperatures when you’re home without sacrificing energy. This tip also lessens wear and tear on your heating and cooling system.

Typical HVAC maintenance calls inspect your thermostat and diagnose any current or potential problems. Accurate temperatures and communication between your thermostat and your heating and air system are critical to efficient performance.

A faulty thermostat forces your heating system to operate harder and during times when it’s not necessary. Keep your thermostat in check with regular HVAC maintenance. You will notice better energy consumption and lower bills throughout the winter.

Weatherization – HVAC Maintenance Tip #2

Another fall energy saving tip is to weatherize your home, including your heating and cooling system. When you prevent heat loss and stop cold air it allows your heating system to maintain even temperatures. Common weatherization tactics include:

  • Check and replace weather-stripping around your windows and doors.
  • Locate and seal drafts in your home, including holes or gaps in your ductwork.
  • Check your home’s insulation and replace it in worn or ineffective areas.

Routine Care – HVAC Maintenance Tip #3

There are several ways to support your system between professional HVAC maintenance visits, such as:

  • Check your filter once a month and replace it when you notice excessive dirt or clogs. For most homeowners, filters last two to three months.
  • If your filter is a reusable filter, clean it regularly to avoid dust, dirt and other debris before it accumulates.
  • Clean your vents to eliminate any airflow obstructions and to reduce dust and other contaminants in your HVAC system.

These maintenance tasks are easy to handle on your own, or you can call Douglas Cooling & Heating to schedule an HVAC maintenance call. Our NATE-certified professionals ensure your equipment is cleaned from top to bottom. We also diagnose any potential problems and ensure your heating system is operating smoothly before the winter weather arrives.

Inspection and Tune-up – HVAC Maintenance Tip #4

Douglas Cooling & Heating offers comprehensive inspections outside of and as part of regular HVAC maintenance calls. Play it safe with accurate information of your heating and cooling system’s status before a break down happens.

A proactive and preventative mindset saves you money throughout the year on your energy bill. Make smart choices by calling Douglas Cooling & Heating today and schedule an HVAC maintenance call for your heating system. Let our experts inspect your unit and improve energy efficiency this fall.

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