3 Advantages of Ductless Heating Over Traditional Heating

December 4th, 2023

Ahh, tradition. It can be the best thing there is, especially as holidays are coming up and you may be feeling nostalgic. But there’s a big difference between holiday or family traditions and just taking a traditional approach to something out of habit. This is especially true when it comes to heating your home. 

You may be inclined to keep using the same type of heating system simply because it is familiar. But what if that system isn’t really what would work best for you, your home, or your family? Ductless heating systems might seem new, unusual, or strange. But they have some advantages over traditional home heating systems. Here are three big ones.

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How Long Do Heating Systems Last?

November 22nd, 2023

When you find yourself in the market for a new heating system, one question that undoubtedly crosses your mind is “How long do heating systems last?” It’s a valid concern; after all, you want to ensure you get the most out of your investment. 

At Douglas Cooling & Heating, Alabama’s most trusted heating, cooling, and plumbing company, we get this question a lot. That’s why we decided to create this helpful guide for HVAC systems. Give it a read to find the answer you’re looking for and get to know your heating options a little better.

Which Heating System Is Right For Me?

Each heating system has its own unique benefits. Whether you prioritize energy efficiency, rapid heating, zoned comfort, or versatility, there’s a heating solution out there that suits your specific needs. 


In Birmingham, Alabama, where chilly winters can sometimes catch us off guard, furnaces play a crucial role in keeping our homes cozy and comfortable. These systems are renowned for their efficiency and rapid heating capabilities. Furnaces distribute warm air through ducts, which is a popular choice among homeowners looking for a quick and effective way to combat the cold. 


Boilers provide a reliable and consistent source of heat, making them well-suited for Alabama’s climate. By using heated water or steam, they ensure your home stays warm even during the coldest days. This reliability is particularly valuable when the temperature drops unexpectedly, as boilers can efficiently maintain a comfortable indoor environment. 

Ductless Systems

Ductless mini-splits offer a versatile and energy-efficient option for homeowners in our community. With our region’s varying temperatures, these systems shine by providing zoned heating, allowing you to customize comfort room by room. Whether you want to keep your living room warm in the evening while keeping the bedrooms cooler for a comfortable night’s sleep or vice versa, ductless mini-splits offer the flexibility you need. Plus, their energy efficiency helps you manage your heating and cooling system costs more effectively.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps have a unique advantage in Birmingham, where our weather can swing between hot summers and chilly winters. A heat pump can heat and cool your home, making them a well-rounded choice for year-round comfort. In addition to their heating and cooling capabilities, heat pumps are known for their energy efficiency, helping you stay comfortable while keeping energy bills in check. 

How Long Do Heating Systems Last?

Now, let’s answer the question of the hour: How long do heating systems last? 

  • Furnaces: Gas furnaces and oil furnaces typically have a lifespan ranging from 15 to 20 years. Electric furnaces have an average life expectancy of 20 to 30 years. Regular maintenance and efficient operation can help you keep your system running smoothly.
  • Boilers: Boilers are known for their durability and longevity, lasting on average 15 to 20 years, depending on the type. These systems can often operate efficiently for an impressive 20 to 30 years with proper maintenance. Investing in a high-quality boiler can be a smart choice for long-term comfort.
  • Ductless Mini Splits: Ductless mini splits, known for their versatility, typically have a service life of around 20 years. 
  • Heat Pumps: Because heat pumps are used year-round for heating and cooling, they tend to only last between 10 to 15 years.

Factors That Can Impact Your Equipment’s Service Life

Keep in mind that the numbers above are general guidelines. The actual lifespan of your heating system can be influenced by several factors, including the following:

  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance, including inspections, cleaning, and timely repairs, can keep your existing unit operating efficiently for years beyond the average lifespan.
  • Quality of Installation: Choosing a reputable HVAC technician can make a substantial difference in the overall life of your HVAC system.
  • Usage Patterns: Systems that are in constant use may experience more significant wear and tear on their components and may require more maintenance to maintain their efficiency.
  • Environmental Conditions: Extreme temperatures, high humidity, or exposure to environmental factors can accelerate wear and potentially shorten the system’s lifespan.
  • Manufacturer Quality: Investing in higher-quality HVAC units from a reputable manufacturer often results in an extended service life and better overall performance.

Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Heating System

No matter what type of heating or air conditioning system you have, there comes a point in its life where replacement becomes the better choice. Here are some clear signs that it’s time for an HVAC replacement:

Old Age

Heating systems, like air conditioners and any other mechanical equipment, have a finite lifespan. If your system has exceeded its average service life, it’s time to consider a replacement. Continuing to rely on an aging HVAC system may lead to reduced performance, increased repair costs, and higher energy bills.

Frequent Repairs

If you find yourself constantly calling for heating system repairs, it might be more cost-effective, not to mention less aggravating, to invest in a new system. Frequent breakdowns and costly repairs can quickly add up, making the prospect of a new, reliable HVAC system more appealing.

Reduced Efficiency

Over time, heating systems can become less efficient, causing your energy bills to rise. If you notice a steady increase in your heating costs without a corresponding increase in comfort, it’s a strong indication that your system’s efficiency is declining, and a replacement may offer long-term savings.

Inconsistent Heating

Uneven heating throughout your home can be a frustrating issue. If certain rooms are consistently colder than others or if you find yourself constantly adjusting the thermostat to maintain comfort, it could be a sign that your heating system is deteriorating and struggling to evenly distribute heat.

Trust Douglas Cooling & Heating for All Your Heating System Needs

At Douglas Cooling & Heating, we have the expertise to install a wide range of heating systems tailored to your specific requirements. Our NATE-certified technicians take immense pride in delivering top-quality heating installations, catering to both residential and commercial customers throughout Birmingham, AL, and the surrounding areas.

Whether you’re considering boilers, furnaces, heat pumps, or ductless systems, we’ve got you covered. Be sure to check out our flexible financing options for a heater or air conditioner, too!

Moreover, our commitment doesn’t end with installations; we also specialize in repairing all makes and models of HVAC equipment. To significantly reduce the risk of unexpected system breakdowns, don’t forget to schedule annual maintenance tune-ups with our dedicated HVAC technicians. Or, go ahead and enroll in our 24/7 Club right now to be treated to priority service and other exclusive perks! Contact us today to get started.

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Can I Finance My New HVAC System?

November 20th, 2023

At Douglas Cooling & Heating, we understand that a new HVAC system is a big investment. For many families and business owners, it’s an extremely difficult expense to face. In some cases, people are unable to cover the entire cost up front. However, heating and cooling are not luxuries. They’re essential. And if your old HVAC system isn’t getting the job done, you need a new one.

We don’t want anyone to suffer through uncomfortable or even dangerous temperatures. And we’re prepared to help. What can people do if they’re unprepared to purchase a new HVAC system outright, but they need one right away? Consider these options.

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Uh-Oh, This Means Your Fireplace Is Out of Commission

November 6th, 2023

Gas fireplaces have many advantages. They’re beautiful without being messy like wood-burning fireplaces. They’re efficient and convenient to operate. But the sad truth is that they do not last forever. Many gas fireplace troubles can be resolved with repair, but the day will come when your fireplace needs to be replaced. Here’s what to watch for.

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What Size Water Heater Is Right for My Home?

October 23rd, 2023

Water heaters play a crucial role in our daily lives, providing the convenience of warm water for bathing, cooking, and cleaning. Yet, choosing the right water heater size for your home can be a daunting task. Whether you’re considering a traditional tank water heater or a modern tankless unit, getting the size right is essential to ensure a consistent supply of hot water while avoiding unnecessary energy costs.

In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of both kinds of water heaters and explain how a professional plumber can perfectly determine what size water heater is right for your home.

Tank vs. Tankless Water Heaters: Pros and Cons

Before we start talking about sizing considerations, it’s important to understand the fundamental differences between tank and tankless water heaters.

Tank Water Heaters

A tank water heater, also known as a storage water heater, is a type of water heating system that uses a large tank to store and heat a specific amount of water. These tanks typically range in size from 20 to 120 gallons, and they are insulated to help maintain the water’s temperature.


  • Affordability: Tank water heaters are generally more affordable to purchase and install compared to tankless alternatives.
  • Simple Operation: They have a straightforward operation, making them easy to understand and use.
  • Readily Available: Tank water heaters are widely available and can be found in most stores.
  • Reliable: Tank hot water heaters consistently deliver hot water, which is important for households with high water demands.


  • Energy Loss: Tank water heaters may experience standby heat loss, meaning they continually reheat the stored water even when not in use, resulting in energy inefficiency.
  • Limited Hot Water: The amount of hot water is limited by the tank’s size, which can be a drawback for large households with high hot water demands.
  • Space Requirements: The physical size of the water tank may require a dedicated space in your home, which can be a limitation for smaller residences.
  • Shorter Lifespan: Tank water heaters tend to have a shorter lifespan compared to tankless water heaters.

Tankless Water Heaters

A tankless water heater, also known as an on-demand water heater, is a type of water heating system that heats water directly without the need for a storage tank. 


  • Improved Energy Efficiency: Tankless water heaters are more energy efficient since they exclusively heat water when required, substantially diminishing energy usage and decreasing utility expenses.
  • Endless Hot Water: You won’t run out of hot water with a tankless system as it provides a continuous supply.
  • Space-Saving: Tankless units are compact and wall-mounted, freeing up valuable space in your home.
  • Longer Lifespan: Tankless hot water heaters can last up to 20 years or more with proper maintenance, while traditional tank water heaters typically wear out after 10 to 15 years.
  • Reduced Environmental Impact: The lower energy use of tankless heaters reduces your carbon footprint.


  • Higher Initial Cost: Tankless water heaters can be more expensive to purchase and install upfront compared to tank systems.
  • Limited Flow Rate: The hot water flow rate of tankless systems may be limited, which can be a disadvantage if multiple hot water sources are used simultaneously.
  • Required Ventilation: Proper ventilation and gas supply may be necessary, adding to installation costs.
  • Potential Lag: There can be a slight delay in hot water delivery, especially in homes with long pipe runs, which might not be ideal for some users.
  • Regular Maintenance: Tankless water heaters require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

Water Heater Sizing for Tank and Tankless Water Heaters

Whether you opt for a tank or tankless water heater for your Birmingham, AL home, the size plays a pivotal role in its efficiency and effectiveness. 

Tank water heaters are sized based on their storage tank capacity, typically measured in gallons. To determine the right size for your home, consider your daily hot water needs. A family of four, for example, may require a larger tank, like a 40 to 50 gallon water heater.

Tankless water heaters are sized by their flow rate, typically measured in gallons per minute (GPM). Calculate the GPM needed by considering the number of fixtures that may be using hot water simultaneously. For instance, if you anticipate running multiple showers and a dishwasher at the same time, you’ll need a higher GPM rating.

How a Plumber Decides What Size Water Heater is Right For You

Still wondering what size heater do I need? A professional plumber will help you find the answer. Professional plumbing technicians use various calculations to determine the appropriate water heater size for your home. These calculations consider your household’s hot water usage and patterns. Some of the key aspects they assess include:

  1. Peak Demand: Plumbers evaluate your water heater’s needs, paying close attention to when your home has its peak hour of hot water demand. This might be in the morning when family members are showering or in the evening when dishes are being washed.
  2. Fixture Flow Rates: They measure the flow rates of fixtures like showers, faucets, and appliances to gauge how much hot water is needed.
  3. Temperature Rise: Plumbers calculate the difference between your incoming water temperature and the desired hot water temperature. This difference impacts the unit’s capacity requirements.
  4. First-Hour Rating (FHR): FHR represents the total gallons of hot water the unit can deliver during the first hour. It’s a critical factor for tank water heaters and large households.

Get the Water Heater You Need Today

At Douglas Cooling & Heating, we recognize the importance of correctly sizing and skillfully installing water heaters. Our team of experienced plumbing technicians excels in selecting the properly sized water heater for your home and the number of people in it.

In addition to installation, we offer repair and maintenance services for a variety of water heater models including:

  • Natural gas water heaters
  • Electric water heaters
  • Propane gas water heaters
  • Power vent water heaters

Don’t let your home suffer from the inconvenience of cold showers and other water heater issues. Contact Douglas Cooling & Heating today for a free estimate or to schedule service. Our team is here to keep your Birmingham area home comfortable and your hot water running reliably.

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Why You Need to Schedule Heating System Maintenance Each Fall

October 23rd, 2023

As the summer season gradually fades away, the cool embrace of fall ushers in the anticipation of warm sweaters, pumpkin spice lattes, and cozy evenings at home. While you may be reveling in the joys of autumn, it’s also the perfect time to prepare for the inevitable onset of winter. 

Part of this preparation involves scheduling heating system maintenance to ensure your home stays warm and comfortable throughout the chilly months. But have you ever questioned why heating experts want you to do this every year? And what consequences might you face if you neglect it? Stay with us to find out!

The Benefits of Annual Heating System Tune-Ups

Regular heating system maintenance offers numerous advantages, including:

Enhanced Efficiency for Cost Savings

One of the primary benefits of annual heating system tune-ups is the significant cost savings. Regular maintenance ensures your home heating system operates with optimum efficiency, directly translating to lower energy bills. By promptly detecting and addressing issues during routine maintenance, you can prevent them from evolving into costly repairs or even the need for a complete system replacement. 

Reliable Comfort Throughout Winter

With regular tune-ups, homeowners can bask in the assurance that their home heating system will consistently provide comfort throughout the winter months. This peace of mind and reliability ensure that your home remains a cozy and inviting haven even during the chilliest weather. 

Reduced Safety Risks

Another advantage of routine heating system maintenance is the enhanced safety it delivers. Regular inspections and maintenance procedures act as a protective shield against potentially dangerous safety issues. This includes detecting and preventing problems like gas leaks, carbon monoxide leaks, and electrical hazards. 

Prolonged Lifespan for Your Heating System

Regular maintenance undoubtedly extends the lifespan of your heating system. Rather than prematurely facing the financial burden of a costly replacement, you can enjoy many more years of reliable service. 

Warranty Compliance 

Many heating system manufacturers require annual maintenance as part of their warranty conditions. By sticking to a regular tune-up schedule, you meet these requirements, ensuring that you remain covered if any unforeseen problems arise.

Healthier Indoor Air Quality

Annual heating system maintenance significantly contributes to better indoor air quality. Regular service includes cleaning or replacing air filters and thoroughly inspecting system components. This commitment to cleanliness ensures that your heating system doesn’t circulate dust, allergens, or pollutants, which is particularly beneficial for individuals with allergies or respiratory conditions. 

What Can Happen if You Skip Professional Maintenance?

While some homeowners may be tempted to forego professional maintenance to save a few bucks, the long-term consequences can be far more costly and inconvenient. Here’s what you might encounter when you skip regular tune-ups:

  • Reduced Efficiency: As dirt and dust accumulate, your heating system will have to work harder to achieve the same level of warmth. This extra strain results in increased energy consumption and higher utility bills.
  • Frequent Repairs: Without annual maintenance, minor issues can snowball into major problems that require expensive repairs. What could have been a simple part replacement becomes a complex repair job.
  • Sudden Breakdowns: The last thing you want on a frosty winter day is your heating system breaking down. Neglecting maintenance increases the likelihood of unexpected and inconvenient breakdowns.
  • Reduced Lifespan: A heating system that doesn’t receive regular maintenance may wear out much quicker, forcing you to invest in a new system sooner than expected.
  • Safety Risks: Neglected heating systems can pose safety risks, such as carbon monoxide leaks, gas leaks, or even fires, putting your family and home in danger.

What Does a Tune-Up Appointment Entail?

Now that you understand the significance of heating system maintenance, let’s explore what typically occurs during a professional tune-up:

  1. Inspection: A qualified technician will inspect your heat pump, furnace, or boiler thoroughly, checking for any signs of wear and tear, leaks, or blockages.
  2. Cleaning: The technician will clean or replace air filters and other essential components to ensure optimal airflow and efficiency of your home’s heating system.
  3. Lubrication: Moving parts, such as motors and bearings, will be lubricated to minimize friction and reduce wear and tear.
  4. Calibration: The technician will calibrate the thermostat and controls of your furnace or heat pump system, making sure it operates at the desired temperature and efficiency.
  5. Safety Checks: Gas heating systems will undergo safety checks to detect any potential gas leaks or combustion issues. Proper ventilation and the absence of carbon monoxide leaks are also confirmed.

When Should I Have My Home Heating System Serviced?

You should schedule maintenance for your home’s heating and cooling systems at least once a year. The ideal time to schedule your fall heating system maintenance is before the cold sets in. Early autumn, typically in September or October, is the perfect window. By acting proactively, you can make sure your heating system is in top shape when the temperatures drop. 

Waiting until the last minute or neglecting maintenance can lead to unexpected breakdowns on frigid nights, leaving your family shivering in discomfort. Being proactive pays off, as a well-maintained heating system will keep you cozy all winter and save you from the hassle, inconvenience, and extra costs associated with emergency repairs. 

Schedule Your Fall Heating System Maintenance with Douglas Cooling & Heating

Homeowners across Alabama rely on various heating systems to stay cozy during the winter. While not every heating and air conditioning company can handle all these systems, Douglas Cooling & Heating stands out. Our HVAC professionals provide comprehensive repair, installation, and maintenance services for furnaces, heat pumps, boilers, ductless mini splits, and more. You can count on us for all of your heating and cooling needs.

We’ve also made scheduling HVAC maintenance more convenient than ever! We understand that remembering to schedule HVAC system tune-up appointments is an easily forgettable task. When you sign up for our 24/7 Club Membership, we’ll send you scheduling reminders and provide plenty of other perks that make caring for your home’s heating and cooling system year round simple and easy. This is one maintenance program that’s worth it!

For dependable home heating system maintenance in Birmingham, Alabama, and the surrounding area, reach out to the seasoned professionals at Douglas Cooling & Heating today. 

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Should I Get a Heat Pump or a Furnace?

October 23rd, 2023

As the weather starts to turn chilly, it’s time to figure out how you’re going to stay warm this winter. If your heating system isn’t up to snuff anymore, what are you going to replace it with? Heat pumps and furnaces each have their own benefits. Which is right for you? Take the time to consider some details so you can decide for yourself.

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Holiday Pressures on Your Water Heater

October 9th, 2023

It’s that wonderful time of year again! Holidays, festivities, family gatherings—there’s so much to look forward to. But all these extra people and all their needs will create a lot of pressure. No, we’re not talking about family arguments or people getting stressed out. We’re talking about your water heater.

If you’re not 100% confident that your water heater can handle the coming holiday season, take action now, whether you need maintenance, repair, or replacement.

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Can Mini Splits Grow Mold?

September 25th, 2023

Ductless mini splits are becoming more popular in homes and buildings across the country. They offer a cost-effective and efficient heating and cooling system option without the need for ductwork. However, there is a growing concern among homeowners and business owners about mold growth in their ductless mini split systems. As a leading provider of HVAC services in the area, we feel it’s important to address this concern head-on and clear up any misconceptions about mini splits growing mold.

Can Mini Splits Grow Mold?

The short answer is yes, mini splits can grow mold just like any other HVAC system. Mold growth usually occurs in areas where there is moisture and humidity, such as in air conditioning ductwork, air handlers, and evaporators. Even though mini split systems do not have ductwork, they are not immune to mold growth.

Why Do Mini Splits Develop Mold?

Ductless mini split equipment can be prone to mold growth, which can have negative effects on your health, indoor air quality, and the functionality of your system. Mold in your mini splits can be caused by a few reasons, including:

Improper Installation

One of the most common reasons why ductless air conditioners and ductless heat pump systems can develop mold is due to improper installation. When a mini split is installed incorrectly, it can lead to moisture buildup in the system. When moisture stays in the ductless mini split, water vapor can then become a breeding ground that allows a mold infestation to grow and spread throughout the inside of the air handler unit.

Inadequate Maintenance

Another reason why ductless mini splits can develop mold is due to inadequate maintenance. When filters are not changed regularly or coils are left dirty, it can create a breeding ground for mold to grow. Mold spores thrive in these conditions, and they can quickly spread throughout the system.

Humid Environments

Mini splits located in humid environments with excess moisture in the air may also be at risk for mold growth. If there are high humidity levels in your house, it can create a moist environment that is ideal for mold spores to grow and spread. This is especially true if the mini split is used for extended periods of time without proper ventilation.

Clogged Condensate Drain Line

Another common reason why ductless mini splits can develop mold is due to a clogged condensate drain line. When the drain line becomes clogged, standing water can back up into the system, creating a moist environment that is ideal for mold growth.

Symptoms of Mold in Your Mini Split

Below are some of the common signs that your ductless mini split is growing mold. Being aware of these signs can help you take appropriate action and prevent mold from spreading in your house.

  • Foul smell: If your air handlers smell cheesy or like an old gym bag, this is one of the symptoms of dirty sock syndrome, which is caused by a buildup of dust, dirt, and moisture within the air handler. Dirty sock syndrome is often a sign of the bigger problem of mold in your mini split.
  • Visible mold growth: Shine a flashlight inside the air handler and inspect the blower wheel for visible mold growth. Mold can also present as odd-colored splotches on the fins, filter, and evaporator coil of an air handler.
  • Poor indoor air quality: If your mini split is circulating air that is stale, dusty, or creates allergy-like symptoms, it’s a sign of mold growth.
  • Water leakage: If you notice any water leakage, condensation, or standing water around the indoor unit, mold growth could be the reason behind it.
  • Respiratory problems: People who are sensitive to mold can develop respiratory problems like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath when exposed to mold spores.

The good news is, most of the warning signs of mold growth are easy to detect and can be reported to a professional HVAC contractor to help solve the mold problem. Don’t wait until mold becomes a serious issue; take action at the first sign of trouble.

Regular Maintenance to Prevent Mold Growth

Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to avoid mold growth in your mini split system. Regular maintenance is vital to ensuring that your mini split system operates efficiently and remains mold-free. Here are some essential maintenance tasks that will help keep your mini split system in good condition:

Schedule a Preventative Maintenance Tune Up

Regular preventative maintenance tune ups from a licensed HVAC professional can significantly prevent mold growth in ductless mini splits. The preventive maintenance procedures performed by HVAC professionals include mini split cleaning, checking for leaks, deep cleaning of the evaporator coil, and ensuring that the air handlers and heat pumps are running correctly. During an HVAC professional’s maintenance, they also check for any potential causes of moisture buildup, such as clogged drains.

Change the Air Filter Regularly

Dirty mini split air filters can cause mold and other contaminants to accumulate in ductless systems. Make sure to change your ductless system air filters every one to three months, depending on use and the environment.

Inspect the Drain Line

The drain line in your mini split system can become clogged with dirt and debris, leading to standing and mold growth. Inspect the drain line regularly, and clean it out with a brush or air compressor if necessary.

Control Mold in Your Mini Split

Ductless mini split units can grow mold just like other systems, such as an air conditioner or heat pump. However, timely maintenance and preventative measures can help ensure that your mini split system remains mold-free. If you suspect mold growth in your mini split system, call Douglas Cooling & Heating to inspect the system and perform professional cleaning for your ductless air conditioner units. Contact us today to schedule a service appointment or to learn more about our services.

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Should I Have My Ducts Cleaned Due to Wildfire Smoke?

September 25th, 2023

What a summer we had! Wildfires in more places than ever, burning out of control for long stretches of time, caused smoke to spread all across the country. Weather forecasts included air quality warnings, and people were told to stay inside to avoid breathing the smoke.

But things have gotten better now, right? Well, yes, but all that smoke still had an impact that could be sticking around. Particles that settle out of wildfire smoke can build up inside your air ducts and continue to circulate in your home. What can you do? Get your ducts cleaned!

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