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Douglas Cooling & Heating Blog

Should I Replace My Heating System This Fall?

furnaceWe’re a lot closer to heating season than you may think, which means now is the time to make sure that your home’s heating system is in good shape. If you can’t rely on the heating system you currently have installed in your home, then it’s time to install a new one now. You don’t want to get deep into winter before having your heater fail on you. There are some signs that you should look for that indicate that it’s time to replace your heating system. Be sure to call a professional if your heater is exhibiting these symptoms, whether you’re using a heat pump or a furnace.

Unusually High Heating Bills

How often you use your heater will largely determine how much you spend on monthly operating costs. You should always be keeping an eye on your home heating bills, and take note of any unexplained jumps in monthly costs. As a heating system ages, it will gradually start to lose efficiency from the wear and tear on the various parts inside of it. Eventually, the efficiency loss will reach a point where the heater will have to operate for longer and longer periods to compensate. This continually falling efficiency is what causes the monthly costs to rise. If this is the source of the trouble for your heating system, the best thing to do is to install a new system entirely.

Constant Repairs

How often you have to repair your heater can be a pretty good indicator of how healthy it is. It’s not all that unusual to need to repair a heating system every once in a while. However, you should be concerned if your system begins to require repairs multiple times a year. That level of repair frequency often indicates that your system is close to the end of its life. The various parts of the system are likely failing under the strain of many years of age and use. If your heater is breaking down that often due to wear and tear, you have two choices. You can replace the system outright, or you can continue replacing your current system one part at a time. It is much, much more cost effective to install an entirely new system in most cases than to stick with a current system that requires frequent repair.

Old Age

The average heating system can be expected to last around 10-15 years under most circumstances. If you’re using a boiler, you can expect it to last up to 20. Once a system gets beyond that age range, it becomes tougher and tougher to keep functioning without spending increasing amounts of money. Breakdowns increase, efficiency drops, and everything generally goes downhill. If your heating system is very old, contact a professional and have them evaluate it to see if you need a new one.

Douglas Cooling & Heating offers a full range of heating installation services throughout Vestavia, AL. If you need a new heating system installed in your home, contact us today for an appointment.

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