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Douglas Cooling & Heating Blog

How to Get Your Furnace Ready for the Heating Season

gas-burnerWe’ll be deep into the heating season before too long, which means now is the time to make sure that your furnace is ready for it. The better you prepare your home for the cold months, the better off your systems will be and the more comfortable you will be. There are a number of ways to make sure that your furnace is properly prepared for the heating season. Read on to find out more about them.

Schedule Preventive Maintenance

Most of the issues that can afflict a furnace do not give off obvious symptoms. At least, not when they first develop. By the time you notice that your furnace is having some sort of malfunction, it likely will have already suffered damage from whatever problem it’s dealing with. The best way to limit the chances of a problem developing, and limit the damage any preexisting problems can cause, is to schedule preventive maintenance.

Closely examining your furnace during a maintenance appointment gives your technician the opportunity to pinpoint any areas that are either already causing problems, or might do so in the future. These issues can then be dealt with before they get any worse. Studies have shown that furnaces that receive regular preventive maintenance are up to 90% less likely to develop problems in the future. They are also up to 40% more energy efficient than systems that do not receive regular maintenance. If you are consistent with scheduling preventive maintenance for your furnace every year, you can save money while extending the lifespan of your system by several years. It’s a good idea to schedule preventive maintenance for your furnace every fall, to make sure that it’s as prepared as possible for the heating season.

Call for Repairs as Soon as Possible

Preventive maintenance can dramatically lower the chances of problems developing with your furnace. However, preventive maintenance cannot guarantee that a problem will never develop. The longer you have your furnace, the greater the chances will be that you’ll have to deal with a problem between maintenance appointments. If and when you do have a problem occur with your furnace, it’s a good idea to be able to identify issues with the system. If you can identify problems with your furnace faster, you can have it repaired faster and limit the damage.

There are a variety of symptoms that might indicate that your furnace is in trouble. Odd noises can often indicate that a part of your furnace is malfunctioning, and might even be on the verge of failure. It’s not a good idea to ignore any weird noises that may be coming from your furnace. You should also call for professional services if you notice a drop in heating output coming from the system.

Douglas Cooling & Heating provides furnace repair and maintenance services in Birmingham, AL. If you need your furnace maintained or repaired, we are here to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our expert technicians. We’ll make sure that your furnace is ready to meet your needs this heating season.

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