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Douglas Cooling & Heating Blog

3 Systems to Help Your Indoor Air Quality

No one wants to sit in a dusty, dirty home. But sometimes the air quality in your house may feel like it is working against you. You go through and dust and clean to your heart’s content but still discover that everything gets just as dusty in a short amount of time.

Situations like these are frustrating. We get it! That’s why Douglas Cooling & Heating provides systems and services that will help improve your indoor air quality. That way you can enjoy a home that isn’t just a comfortable temperature but is healthy to spend time in too.

Read on to learn more about how we can help clear the air in your house.

3 Systems That Could Help Your Indoor Air Quality

Looking to improve the quality of the air in your house? It can make a big difference in your home’s comfort level and even your health. One of the best ways to improve your air quality is to install an indoor air quality system. We’ve listed three here that are great options for solving some of the modern home’s biggest air quality issues.

1. Whole-House Air Filtration Systems

Air filtration systems are different than the air filters that come standard with an HVAC system.

A whole-house air filtration system or air filter is installed within your ductwork. This system uses one or more semi-permeable membranes to capture a variety of airborne pollutants and debris such as dirt, dust, pollen, and more. When you use this type of system it can help keep your home cleaner, help keep your HVAC filter cleaner for longer, and can even help improve your home more comfortable.

2. Whole-House Air Purifiers

An air purifier in Mountain Brook, AL can serve a similar purpose as an air filter but it takes the process of cleaning your air a few steps further. An air purification system is going to sit in your ductwork the way that an air filter does. Purifiers use either electricity or ultraviolet light to clean up the airflow throughout your home.

Electric air purifiers charge airborne particles to allow them to be drawn to a metal plate where they are captured and held until the plate is cleaned. The UV purifier either destroys airborne contaminants or renders them harmless before they end up in the home.

Air purifiers can help clean up the air and can even help to improve your health by combating viruses, bacteria, and mold spores.

3. Whole-House Dehumidifiers

These systems are pretty straightforward–they help address excess humidity in your home. This is great to improve the ability of your AC system to cool the air in the house. Extra moisture in the air makes it harder for your AC to cool things off as water holds heat extremely well. When you remove some of the extra humidity, it improves your comfort and can even help your AC perform more efficiently.

If you are looking to get better air quality in your home, you can come to us to get started.

“Your experience is what matters most!” Contact Douglas Cooling & Heating to get an indoor air quality system installed in your home that makes a difference.

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