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Douglas Cooling & Heating Blog

Do You Need a New AC System This Spring?

Spring has officially sprung! The birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing, and the sound of cool air whooshing out of AC units can be heard all across Alabama. Of course, this isn’t necessarily the case if you own a less-than-great air conditioner. If you are in the unfortunate position of having to replace your air conditioner, don’t fret! Replacing your system doesn’t have to be so scary, especially if you have a great team of HVAC professionals on your side!

Investing in a new air conditioner can definitely be worth your while, especially if your current system is no longer of keeping your home comfortable and energy efficient. But of course, knowing when to invest in a new system isn’t always easy. Therefore, we have listed just a few of the signs that suggest it’s time for AC system replacement in Birmingham. Keep reading below to find out more. 

It Might Be Time for a Replacement If Your AC…

Is Old

Although built to last, the average lifespan of an air conditioner is anywhere between 10-15 years (though, your system may last longer if you’ve kept up on maintenance). Generally, older air conditioners are not going to be as efficient or effective as newer models, and therefore replacing your system might be a great way to save. So, if your system has aged beyond the average life expectancy, consult with a professional about your options.

Requires Frequent Repairs

In general, your air conditioner should not require more than just a couple of repairs every few years. If you’ve found yourself scheduling repairs any more than that, it might do you well to consider a replacement. As a rule of thumb, if you are spending 50% or more the cost of a new air conditioner on repairs, it is better to bite the bullet and invest in a new system.

Fails to Keep You Cool

The primary role of your air conditioner is to keep your home cool and comfortable throughout the entirety of summer. If your system can no longer keep up with your household’s cooling demands, it suggests that the system is either undersized or worn out. In any case, you are going to need a new system if you wish to restore your comfort.

Is Costing You Too Much Money

We always recommend keeping a close eye on your monthly energy bills. If you’ve found that you are spending more and more with each passing month, then it might just be that your air conditioner is inefficient. If this is the case, upgrading your system might be your best bet.

What Are You Waiting For? Call A Professional Today

If you suspect that it is time to upgrade your air conditioner, be sure to contact a professional at your earliest convenience. Only a professional can determine if it is truly time for a replacement. Once it has been decided, your technician will match you with the system that will best meet your needs and install it to ensure that it set up for success.

For all your air conditioning services, be sure to contact the experts at Douglas Cooling & Heating. Your experience is what matters most. 

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