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Douglas Cooling & Heating Blog

How to Keep Your AC as Healthy as Possible This Summer

AC-technicianSummer might be waning, but we still have some brutally hot months ahead of us before fall really kicks in. Your air conditioner doesn’t get to rest yet, which means you don’t get to take it for granted that the system is going to stay healthy! If you want your system to finish out the summer in the best shape possible, and be ready for another punishing summer next year, then you need to take certain steps now to make sure of it. Follow the tips below, and your air conditioner will be in a much better spot by the time the summer is over.

Air Conditioning Maintenance

Most of the issues that you’re likely to run into with your air conditioning system are pretty subtle. They’re not the kinds of things that will immediately announce themselves with recognizable symptoms. While many of them do exhibit some sort of warning sign as they get further along, by the time you notice them they will have already had a chance to damage your air conditioner. You obviously don’t want that. The best way to keep your air conditioner healthy is to try and catch problems before they get far enough to show symptoms, and the best way to do that is to schedule preventive maintenance.

A preventive maintenance appointment provides your technician the chance to locate and resolve issues with your air conditioner before they can threaten the wellbeing of the system. Scheduling preventive maintenance at least once a year can not only reduce the odds of a significant issue occurring with your air conditioner, but can substantially boost its energy efficiency, as well! Make sure that you schedule preventive maintenance for your air conditioner at least once a year if you want to keep it in good shape, twice a year if you use a heat pump.

Call for Repairs If You Need To

Preventive maintenance is great, but it’s not perfect. There are still ways that problems can occur with your air conditioner between maintenance appointments, which means that you still need to keep an eye out for any signs that your system is struggling. There are many such signs, some of which are obvious and some of which are not. Odd noises are frequently the first sign that homeowners notice of some sort of problem with their air conditioner. Dropping output is another common sign, as is leaking fluid. We don’t have the space to list every single symptom here, but a good rule of thumb is to call for repairs any time you notice some sort of issue with your air conditioner. Even if you don’t know for certain that it’s a problem, it’s better to call a technician just to be safe than to ignore a serious issue.

Douglas Cooling & Heating provides a full range of air conditioning services in Birmingham. If you need to schedule air conditioning maintenance or repair services, contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our professional technicians.

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