How Do I Know If My Humidifier Filter Needs Changing?

February 27th, 2023

If you have recently installed a whole-house humidifier in your home, you may be wondering when the filter needs to be changed. Changing your filter can help ensure that the air in your home is healthy and comfortable. Douglas Cooling & Heating has helped homes all over Birmingham, Alabama make their homes more comfortable in the dry winter months with indoor air quality services. in this blog, we’ll talk about humidifiers, how they work, and how often your humidifier filters need to be changed.

The Role of a Humidifier Filter

Humidifier filters are an integral part of any whole-house humidification system. Even though the individual components of a humidifier system may seem complex, the purpose of a water panel filter is actually really simple and straightforward — to add moisture to the air supply, which then humidifies your home. A humidifier pad and an evaporator pad all refer to the same component. There are different kinds of humidifiers that use different pads or filters to hold moisture in the humidifier, so make sure that if you are replacing your filter, you have the right piece of equipment.

By installing a new or replacement filter in your home’s humidifier annually or even more frequently, you’ll be helping maintain cleaner air while also preventing any long-term damage to your equipment caused by unwanted buildup. In short, a whole home humidifier filter keeps the air you breathe properly humidified and provides lasting protection for your investment.

When to Change Your Humidifier Filter

The frequency with which you should change your humidifier’s filter depends on the type of humidifier you have, as well as the amount of sediment and debris that builds up within it. Generally speaking, a filter replacement should be done at least once a year. However, if your home has hard water with high mineral content, then you may need to change it more often.

Additionally, if the filter looks dirty or clogged after several months of use, then it’s probably time for a replacement. It’s also important to note that some manufacturers recommend different schedules for humidifier filter changes, so be sure to check your owner’s manual for specific recommendations from the manufacturer before deciding how often to replace it.

Why Humidifier Filter Changes Are Important

If you forget to change your whole house humidifier filter on a regular basis, there are several potential issues that can arise. For starters, an old and worn-out filter can lead to poor indoor air quality due to an accumulation of bacteria and mold spores. These contaminants can be picked up by air circulating through your home’s HVAC system and carried into the home, which can cause allergies or other respiratory problems in some people.

Additionally, an old filter can reduce the efficiency of your humidifier and cause it to waste energy trying to do its job. Even if you don’t think about it too much, regular whole-house humidifier filter changes are important to keep moist air circulating throughout your home. Humidifier filter changes help prevent minerals and other particles from building up in the filter. If they do, it can significantly reduce the output and energy efficiency of your humidifier.

Without regular humidifier filter changes, you run the risk of damaging your unit over time. A lack of maintenance can potentially shorten its lifespan. Make sure to replace the filter on a regular basis to ensure maximum efficiency and performance. Whole house humidifier maintenance can also be done when your furnace maintenance is performed. Every year in the fall, call Douglas Cooling & Heating to schedule maintenance on your home’s heating system. Let your technician know that your HVAC system has a whole-house humidifier too. They will be able to look at the humidifier pad and replace it for you if necessary.

Not only does a little maintenance keep the air in your home at an optimal humidity level, but it will also help save money in the long run by avoiding costly repairs and replacements.

Whole House Humidifier Installation and Service

Changing your whole house humidifier filter on a regular basis is essential for maintaining optimal indoor air quality and ensuring that your unit operates efficiently without requiring costly repairs down the road. If you need installation or help to service your whole house humidifier in the Birmingham area, contact Douglas Cooling & Heating today! We offer fast and friendly service at competitive prices!

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What Sets Apart Ductless Mini Splits?

February 27th, 2023

Making your house a home means making it as much your own as possible. That takes more than just a coat of paint and furniture choices though. How are you going to enjoy the home that you’ve put effort into bringing together if it isn’t comfortable?

We want to help make sure that you can enjoy your home all year long. We know Alabama is full of different kinds of houses, including some that don’t have ductwork. Did you know that you can still enjoy whole-house heating and cooling though?

No matter what kind of home you’re in, you can likely find a good home comfort solution by installing a ductless mini split in Shelby County, AL.

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What You Should Know About Sheet Metal Fabrication and Your Ducts

February 13th, 2023

Sometimes you need help with a project that goes above and beyond the basics. Not every company can meet those needs, but we may be able to.

Sheet metal fabrication in Birmingham, AL is necessary to create a fully functional HVAC system. This is because sheet metal fabrication is what is used to create your ductwork.

As we all know though, ductwork isn’t always a “one size fits all” solution. Different homes and businesses require different layouts and sizes of ductwork. You need your ductwork to be able to handle your heating and cooling needs properly. Investing in custom sheet metal fabrication is a great way to achieve this goal from the start and you can trust our team to handle the job.

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4 Reasons To Opt For a Heat Pump System

January 30th, 2023

If you are due for an HVAC system upgrade then it may be a good idea to consider a heat pump. Heat pumps are made to keep your home comfortable throughout the years. The versatility and efficiency of these systems can make one a great fit for your home.

Before your jump into a heat pump installation in Pelham, AL, it makes sense that you’d want to know if this system is the right choice for you. We are happy to tell you about the reasons why heat pumps can be a great fit for nearly any house.

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What Are the Pros and Cons of a Water Softener?

January 27th, 2023

If you’re considering installing a water softener, you may be hard-pressed to find someone who wouldn’t vouch for the benefits of having one. However, there’s definitely more than meets the eye when it comes to their use. In this blog post from Douglas Cooling & Heating, we’ll dive into the water softener pros and cons—allowing you to make an informed decision about investing in one for your home. Read on for expert insight so that your investment is guaranteed money well spent!

What Does a Water Softener Do?

Water softeners work by removing the high concentrations of calcium and magnesium ions in hard water from your entire plumbing system. The ion exchange process takes place inside the softener, where sodium ions are exchanged with calcium and magnesium ions that make water hard. In a water softening system, water sits in a brine tank that is filled with salt. This is where the calcium and magnesium changes take place. The resulting softened water has fewer minerals, which is preferred by many homeowners.

Water Softener Pros and Cons

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether or not to install a water softener system in your home. The water softener’s pros and cons can vary depending on your individual needs and circumstances. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled a list of the top water softener pros and cons.


  • Softened water can extend the life of your pipes and appliances by preventing mineral buildup
  • Softer fabrics and less soap are needed for laundry
  • Soap and shampoo lather better and skin feels softer after bathing
  • Soft water eliminates mineral deposits which cause spots on glasses and stains in toilets and other appliances
  • Coffee, tea, and vegetables boiled or steamed in water will taste better


  • Potential maintenance concerns if not properly installed or maintained
  • Some people prefer the taste of hard water
  • Additional cost for installation and annual maintenance

Benefits of Soft Water

Now that you know some of the key water softener pros and cons, let’s take a closer look at the benefits of softened water. One of the biggest benefits is that it can help extend the life of your pipes and water-using appliances like washing machines. This is because softened water prevents calcium and magnesium minerals can buildup in appliances which can eventually lead to clogs and other problems.

Softened water also saves money on laundry costs by allowing you to use less soap and resulting in softer fabrics. And, because soap lathers better in softened water, you’ll use less soap overall which can save you money in the long run. Laundry and general cleaning will be generally easier with softer water. Dishes washed in softened water will come out cleaner and glassware will be spot-free. Hardness minerals that appear in toilets and other appliances that come from your hard water supply will disappear when you have a water softener installed.

If you enjoy drinking coffee or tea, you’ll notice that it tastes better with softened water as well. Overall, there are many potential benefits to installing a water softener in your home. Weighing the pros and cons carefully will help you decide if a water softener is right for you.

Are You Ready for a Water Softener? Talk to Douglas Cooling & Heating

When it comes to water softener pros and cons, overall, the pros of water softeners outweigh the cons. The benefits of softened water make it a worthwhile investment for many homes–especially those with hard water. If you’re considering a water softener for your home, Douglas Cooling & Heating can help. We are experts in installation and maintenance and would be happy to answer any questions you have about softened water. Give us a call today!

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Inflation Reduction Act Heat Pump Rebate

January 27th, 2023

Are you a homeowner looking for ways to reduce your energy costs? Look no further! The Inflation Reduction Act Heat Pump Rebate program is here to help you save money. Through this incentive program, consumers can get a tax credit when installing a qualifying heat pump. Not only does this rebate make it more affordable to upgrade from conventional heating systems but investing in a qualified heat pump will also help improve comfort and efficiency throughout your entire home.

Douglas Cooling & Heating explains how you can take advantage of the inflation reduction act tax credits and heat pump rebates for your home. A new heat pump can help lower utility bills and decrease your annual energy expenses! Read on to learn more about the details of this money-saving offer.

What Is the Inflation Reduction Act?

At Douglas Cooling & Heating, we are committed to providing our customers with the best HVAC services and products. One way we do this is by staying informed about new laws and programs that can help our customers save money and improve their HVAC systems. One such program is the Inflation Reduction Act, which offers rebates to homeowners who make energy-efficient upgrades around their homes. Homeowners can get rebates on solar panels, electric vehicles, heat pump, water heaters, and more!

The Inflation Reduction Act includes measures that aim to help homeowners reduce their energy costs by upgrading their HVAC systems to more energy-efficient models. The Act provides tax credits to homeowners who install certain types of HVAC equipment, such as high-efficiency heat pumps. These tax credits can help to offset the cost of purchasing and installing a new HVAC system, making it more affordable for homeowners to upgrade their HVAC systems.

Residential Clean Energy Tax Credit

The Residential Clean Energy Tax Credit applies to both air source and geothermal heat pumps. Eligible systems must meet specific energy efficiency standards set by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

  • Qualifying air source heat pumps must be placed in service between January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2032. The credit is worth 30% of the cost of the heat pump and installation, up to 20%.
  • For qualifying geothermal heat pump systems installed between January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2032, the credit is worth 30% of the associated costs with no cap on the amount of credit that can be claimed.

It’s important to note that this tax credit is not a refundable credit, meaning you can only claim the credit if you have a tax liability. If the credit exceeds your tax liability, the excess will not be refunded to you. Also, this credit is available for primary residences only and not for rental properties or vacation homes.

High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate Act

The High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate Act (HEEHRA) is an incredible way to take the next step toward a greener, more sustainable home. By taking advantage of this program, you can reduce your electricity bill and make your house more eco-friendly through energy efficiency upgrades that improve air quality while keeping the temperature comfortable and consistent. Best of all, these upgrades are made even more accessible by the hefty rebates given for qualifying improvements.

This program is designed to assist low- to moderate-income families. When installing a qualifying heat pump, families that meet the low-income threshold can receive a 100% rebate of up to $8,000; moderate-income families will receive a 50% rebate of up to $8,000.

Call Douglas Cooling & Heating to Help Improve Your Home Today!

Though the cost of a heat pump installation may seem like a large upfront expense, measures in the Inflation Reduction Act incentives can help to ease that burden. If you’re interested in learning more about this exciting opportunity or would like to schedule a consultation, please don’t hesitate to contact Douglas Cooling & Heating today. We’d be happy to answer any questions you have and help get you started on upgrading your home’s comfort with the installation of an electric heat pump or geothermal heat pump this year.


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Start the Year Off With a Great Fireplace

January 16th, 2023

Have you ever noticed just how much a good fireplace can add to a room? Not only does a fireplace offer you some warmth, but it also serves as a focal point for whatever room it is in. It helps improve comfort and ambiance.

If you are looking at getting a fireplace installed in your home or you need a different fireplace service in Shelby County, AL, our team will be the one you can count on. You can learn more about your fireplace service options below.

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Why Does My Water Heater Run Out of Hot Water So Fast?

January 10th, 2023

Do you ever find yourself running out of hot water in the middle of a shower? Or, maybe you’re washing dishes and your hot water suddenly turns cold. No matter what’s causing it, a water heater running out of hot water can be incredibly frustrating. Douglas Cooling & Heating explains some common reasons for experiencing sudden, insufficient hot water in the home. Keep reading to find out more about potential issues that could be causing your water heater troubles, and learn the signs that it’s time to replace your water heater.

Why Is My Water Heater Running Out of Hot Water So Fast?

There are several common issues that can lead to a water heater running out of hot water quickly. Some of the most common issues include:

  • Sediment buildup: Over time, sediment can accumulate in the bottom of the water heater tank. This sediment buildup can restrict heat transfer from the heating element to the water supply, causing your hot water supply to run out quickly. To fix this issue, the water heater tank will need to be drained and flushed to remove the sediment – however, you don’t want to do this if your water heater is older and it’s never been flushed before, as it may open up leaks.
  • Leaking tank: If the water heater tank is leaking, it can cause the hot water to be lost before it reaches the faucets. This can be why you notice the water heater running out of hot water quickly. To fix this issue, typically the water heater tank will need to be replaced by a qualified plumber.
  • Faulty thermostat: The thermostat on a water heater is responsible to maintain constant water temperature in your water tank. If the thermostat is not functioning properly, the unit may not heat enough water, which can explain why your hot water supply dwindles so fast. To fix this issue, the thermostat will need to be repaired or replaced by a plumber.
  • Incorrect size: If the water heater is not the correct size for your home, it may not be able to provide enough hot water to meet your needs. This can cause the water heater to run out of hot water quickly. To fix this issue, you need to upgrade to a larger water heater or supplement your current water heater with a tankless water heater. 
  • High demand: If there are multiple people using hot water at the same time, it can put a strain on the water heater and cause it to run out of hot water quickly. In this case, you may need to upgrade to a larger water heater to meet your hot water needs.

Overall, if you are experiencing issues with your water heater running out of hot water quickly, it is best to contact a qualified plumber to diagnose and repair the problem. Attempting to fix the issue yourself can be dangerous and may result in further damage to the water heater.

Signs It’s Time for Water Heater Replacement

In addition to not having enough heated water when you need it, there are several additional signs that it may be time to replace your water heater. These include:

  • Age: Most water heaters have a lifespan of about 8-12 years. As your water heater ages, you’ll notice more frequent performance issues. When you’ve had enough of cold showers, talk to a plumber about replacing your water heater. 
  • Rusty water: If the water from your faucets is rusty or has a metallic taste, it may be a sign that the water heater tank is rusting and needs to be replaced.
  • Leaks: If the water heater is leaking, it can cause significant damage to your home. Replacement is necessary to avoid this damage.
  • Insufficient hot water: If the water  heater is not able to provide enough hot water to meet your needs, it may be time to upgrade to a larger water heater, or add tankless water heaters around your home to limit the strain on your current water heater. 
  • High energy bills: If your energy bills have been steadily increasing without clear reason, it may be a sign that your water heater is becoming less efficient and may need to be replaced.

Water Heater Repair & Replacement Services from Douglas Cooling & Heating

When a nice hot shower is interrupted by a stream of cold water, it can be jarring. If you’ve had enough water heater issues, then it’s time to replace your system. Most of the time it’s a lack of hot water is due to one of the reasons we listed above. Douglas Cooling & Heating is here to help. We have a team of experienced professionals who can repair or replace your water heater in no time. Give us a call today and let us take care of all your water heater needs!

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What Plumbing Emergencies Are Worth Calling a Plumber?

January 10th, 2023

As a homeowner, you need to be familiar with the kinds of repairs that require professional help. In addition, you also need to know which issues cannot wait and require immediate service. It’s important to know when it’s time to call a plumber, as plumbing emergencies – even small ones – can quickly turn into big problems. In this blog post, we’ll explain what plumbing emergencies demand urgent repairs and are worth calling Douglas Cooling & Heating for.

What Constitutes a Plumbing Emergency?

A plumbing emergency is any situation that requires immediate attention to prevent damage to your home or property. Some common scenarios that are worth calling an emergency plumber from Douglas Cooling & Heating for include:

  • Burst pipes: If a pipe bursts, it can cause significant water damage to your home. This is a plumbing emergency that requires immediate attention from a plumber to repair the burst pipe and prevent further damage.
  • Frozen pipes: When pipes freeze, there is a risk of them eventually bursting and causing a severe water leak in your home. Call an emergency plumber as soon as you discover your pipes are frozen so they can be thawed quickly.
  • Flooding: If your home is flooding, it can cause significant damage to your property and create a safety hazard. This is a plumbing emergency that requires immediate attention from a plumber to identify and repair the source of the flooding, whether it be a malfunctioning sump pump in the basement or an overflowing toilet.
  • Sewer backup: If the sewer system backs up, it can cause water and waste to overflow into your home, resulting in a major health hazard. This is a time when you must call an emergency plumber to clear the blockage, remove sewage from your home, and prevent further damage to your drainage system.
  • No hot water: If your water heater is not providing hot water, it can be more than an inconvenience. A household cannot function without the use of hot water. Douglas Cooling & Heating can diagnose and repair the water heater issue, ensuring that you have hot water when you need it.
  • Gas leaks: If you suspect that there is a gas leak in your home, it is a plumbing emergency that requires immediate attention from a plumber. Evacuate the home immediately and call your local utility company and an emergency plumber. Common causes of gas leaks are a gas water heater, gas stove, or furnace leak. 

Overall, if you are experiencing any of the common plumbing emergencies above, it is important to call Douglas Cooling & Heating right away to request emergency plumbing repair services. Our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you whenever you have a plumbing emergency.

Solve Plumbing Problems Fast

Homeowners should have plumbing issues resolved right away for several reasons. First and foremost, plumbing issues can cause significant damage to your home and property if they are not addressed promptly. Burst pipes, for example, can cause water damage to walls, floors, and furniture, and may require costly repairs. Fixing underlying issues to prevent burst pipes can avoid this. 

Plumbing issues can also create safety hazards. For example, a gas leak can be dangerous and may require immediate attention from a plumber to ensure the safety of your home and family. A clogged toilet can cause waste to seep into your home. Plumbing issues can be inconvenient and disruptive. If your water heater is not providing hot water, it can make it difficult to complete daily tasks such as showering, washing dishes, and doing laundry.

Overall, it is important to have plumbing issues resolved right away to prevent further damage, ensure the safety of your home and family, and maintain your daily routine.

Call Douglas Cooling & Heating For 24/7 Emergency Plumbing Repair Services

If you have any type of plumbing emergency, it is always best to call a professional right away rather than wait. Some people think that they can save money by waiting until regular business hours to call a plumber, but if the water has already caused damage to your home, it will end up costing you more in the long run. Douglas Cooling & Heating offers 24/7 emergency plumbing repair services so that you can rest assured knowing that help is on the way, no matter what time it is. Give us a call next time you need emergency plumbing services, call us right away and we’ll be there to help!

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These Indicators Mean Your Furnace Needs a Fix

December 19th, 2022

At this time of the year, there is enough to take care of without having to worry about a furnace failure. Problems can’t always be avoided though. That is why it is a good idea to know how to identify possible issues as early on as possible.

How can you find out whether or not you need a furnace repair in Birmingham, AL? Be on the alert for these warning signs!

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