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Douglas Cooling & Heating Blog

Have You Scheduled AC Maintenance Yet?

The departure of cold weather means that summer will arrive soon. While summer is something that most of us look forward too, the later months bring along unrelenting heat with them. Of course, this means that you’re going to use your air conditioner a lot more often. This is why you should always take your air conditioning maintenance seriously.

Different components in your air conditioner deteriorate at different rates, depending on a variety of factors. It’s not always obvious to the untrained eye if a particular component is in need of service.

As a general rule, servicing your air conditioner regularly increases the lifespan of your unit and reduces the risk of breakdowns.

Although there are numerous benefits of scheduling AC maintenance in Birmingham, we feel there are four main reasons why you should always schedule an annual service.

It’s About Saving Money

This relationship may sound like an oxymoron to some people, but hear us out… Preventive maintenance is, objectively speaking, more cost-effective than having to make major repairs on a costly component (such as a condenser).

Moreover, regular maintenance will help you identify, troubleshoot, and sort out potential problems with the air conditioner. You can save a ton of money in the long haul by preventing major AC breakdowns. Think about it this way, if your AC fails during peak service season, you may be left without cool air for a few days. You may also have to face higher service charges that are commonly associated with a peak season.

Extend the Life Cycle of Your Unit

Scheduling AC maintenance lets you extend the life of your air conditioner by several years. We don’t have to into the pricing mechanics of new vs. old AC units. Replacing an existing AC unit that has broken down will obviously cost a lot more than keeping the prior running in peak operating condition.

You will find that AC maintenance in Birmingham will also preserve your manufacturer’s warranty. This means that you’ll be able to utilize your warranty if you end up with a major breakdown requiring costly services.

Pro tip: Make sure to document maintenance on your air conditioner!

Clears Your Unit of Dirt and Grime

Your air conditioner is composed of several units that accumulate dirt, filth, and grime over the course of a year, including filters, fins, and coils.

As a general rule, filters need to be replaced every once or two months when they’re heavily used. The unit’s coils and fins should be cleaned on an annual basis. Failure to do so can cause your AC unit to become less efficient, which will send your energy bills going sky high!

Keeps Your Home Cooler

Regular maintenance detects issues that could reduce your AC unit’s efficiency. Perhaps the drain is clogged, or the Freon levels have plummeted under critical levels. Either way, your home won’t be as cool as it could have been with a properly functioning AC unit. A dirty air conditioner will have to work much harder (and require more power) to cool down your home.

Ready to schedule regular AC maintenance in Birmingham? Get in touch with our pros at Douglas Cooling & Heating for a thorough review and cleanup. Your experience is what matters most!

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