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Douglas Cooling & Heating Blog

Is It Time to Replace Your Heater?

If you are lucky enough to be able to have your loved ones come by this Thanksgiving, the last thing you want to happen is to welcome them into an uncomfortably cold home. Thankfully if you have a well-kept heater that is on the newer side, you shouldn’t need to worry. If you have a heater that is aging and seems to be struggling to get the job done, it is a good idea to reach out for help from our team of professionals.

We will be able to determine whether you need a heating repair in Birmingham, AL or a heating system replacement. What’s more, we can offer you the services that you need to get your heater back into working order or get you outfitted with a new system that will provide the comfort you need. All you have to do is reach out to us!

The Signs You Need a Repair

When your heater needs to be repaired, you don’t want to delay getting the issue resolved. Watch out for these warning signs and schedule repairs with our team as soon as you can:

  • Odd noises: Have you noticed that your heater is emitting noises like rattling, screeching, hissing, or buzzing? If so, you should know these sounds aren’t normal. These can indicate a variety of issues.
  • Low heating output: Let’s say that your heater is working hard but you haven’t gotten the warmth and comfort that you need. This can mean that there is something wrong with your heater.
  • Poor airflow: A heater should be able to produce warm air and heat your home with a strong flow of that warm air to the different rooms around the house. If your heater is creating warmth but it is barely making it out of the vents, it is time for repair service.

How to Tell You Need a Heating System Replacement

Over time, heating system repairs won’t be enough to keep your system operating. When your heater can’t stand up to the test and needs to be replaced, you can come to us for help. Just watch out for some of these warning signs and contact us for help with removing your old system and installing your new one.

  • Old age: Heaters are going to reach the end of their lifespan between 10 and 15 years of age. Don’t try to push your heater beyond this limit, you’ll only end up paying more for less comfort.
  • High energy bills: If you’ve got high energy bills no matter how much maintenance and repairs your schedule, it may mean your system needs to be retired.
  • No heat at all: A heater that isn’t heating isn’t worth keeping around. Schedule your replacement when your system isn’t able to do its job anymore.

What Are Your Options For Your Next System?

When you need a new heater, you will want to know what your options are. You aren’t obligated to stick with the same system that you had before if another system would serve you better. We can help assess your heating needs and pair you with the best heater possible such as a furnace, heat pump, ductless system, or even a geothermal system.

When you need help with your heating system, you can come to Douglas Cooling & Heating to get the job done. Your experience is what matters most! Contact us today.

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