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These Signs Mean You Need a Ceiling Fan Repair

If you have a ceiling fan in your home you may use this piece of equipment more often than you use your HVAC system. Ceiling fans can help improve the effectiveness of your HVAC system when in use. They can also help improve your comfort on milder days when the AC can be left alone. But because a ceiling fan sees so much use, it may also need a bit more attention.

Much like when your AC or heater runs into trouble, the need for a ceiling fan repair in Birmingham, AL is something that should be taken care of sooner than later and always handled by an expert.

If you have any of these issues with your ceiling fan, you should reach out to us for prompt, expert repairs:

The ceiling fan is unresponsive or turns itself off

Are you noticing that your ceiling fan is having trouble following orders? When you turn it on, maybe it doesn’t respond at all. Or maybe the ceiling fan turns off after only a few minutes of operation. These responsiveness problems can indicate poor wiring or other components are worn out.

You hear concerning noises when it is in use

Does using your ceiling fan lead to excessive amounts of noise? Maybe it is creating a clicking noise, a banging, or even a squealing while it is in operation. Aside from being pretty annoying, these noises are all indicators of trouble in the fan that likely require repairs to address them.

The fan shakes or wobbles while on

This can be disconcerting to see and may even lead you to avoid using your fan for a while. A shaky fan can feel like it is about to fall on your head! Thankfully you can contact a member of our team to get the cause of this problem found and resolved. This way you can use your ceiling fan without the worry of it falling and harming you or your home.

Blades are worn or broken

Old age can become more apparent with your ceiling fan as joints, bolts, and even fan blades wear down. In fact, you might encounter broken or warped fan blades if your ceiling fan gets too worn down. This is something that you should have addressed by a professional technician–especially since this could be a sign that you need a replacement ceiling fan instead.

A ceiling fan is an investment that helps with your overall comfort, helps keep things energy efficient, and can even work with the aesthetic of your home. That’s why keeping it in working shape is going to be a good idea. Our team is here to help with your ceiling fan repairs and any other electrical services that you need for your home systems. Our team is trained and certified to help with everything you need.

Your experience is what matters most! Work with a team that truly puts you first by contacting Douglas Cooling & Heating to schedule your next system service.

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