How Long Do Air Conditioners Last?

May 3rd, 2022

If your air conditioner has been around for many summers, it’s common to question if the system will be able to make it through the upcoming cooling season. Think back to your ac unit’s performance last summer – and you might start wondering how long do air conditioners last? Douglas Cooling & Heating shares the average lifespan for different types of cooling systems and what you can do to help the air conditioner last longer.

How Long Do Air Conditioners Last?

There are no expiration dates for HVAC systems, so predicting just how long ac units typically last is not an exact science. However, we can get a good idea of what to expect in terms of air conditioner lifespan by looking at the average service life of this equipment.

  • On average, a central air conditioner lasts 10-15 years.
  • Heat pumps typically last 10-12 years.
  • Window air conditioning units average about 10 years of service.
  • A portable air conditioning unit generally runs for 5-10 years.

Many variables affect the life of an air conditioner. The climate conditions in Birmingham play a role, as do your usage habits and temperature preferences. The quality of the air conditioner can impact the number of years it will run, as does the level of maintenance it receives over those years.

Tips to Extend Air Conditioner Service Life

While 10 years might seem like a long time for an HVAC system to last, considering the amount of work they do each year, you can probably understand why they won’t last forever. While no air conditioner will run indefinitely, there are plenty of things you can do to minimize system problems and extend air conditioners’ life expectancy.

1. Practice Regular Maintenance

Your air conditioning system requires maintenance to help it run properly and avoid wear and tear. Establish a proper maintenance routine for your home’s ac unit which includes a combination of DIY and HVAC professional services.

  • Central air conditioners require one maintenance tune up annually; heat pump systems should receive two tune ups each year due to their use as heating systems in the winter.
  • Your air filter should be changed on a regular basis. Your air filter needs to be changed on a regular basis to help keep you extend the life span of your ac unit. The manufacturer will recommend how often the filter should be changed, but we recommend you check it once per month and assess its condition yourself. Pets, air conditioning use, indoor air quality, smoking indoors, and other factors can decrease the service life of your air filter. Replace your air filters when they are dirty or you notice issues with your ac system performance.
  • Keep outdoor condensing units and heat pumps clear of debris. Clean up around the outdoor unit after doing outdoor chores like mowing the lawn to keep maintain proper airflow. Be sure to remove any matter stuck against the unit’s fins, and weed around the base so vegetation doesn’t grow up to block the fins, too. Don’t store things up against the unit – leave a minimum of 24 inches clear on all sides.

A good maintenance routine will help prevent wear and tear as well as system breakdowns. If your air conditioner is well maintained over the years, it’s possible you’ll enjoy more than a decade of service from the unit, well beyond the average age of an ac unit.

2. Limit System Usage

We’re not suggesting you suffer discomfort throughout the hot months to get more time from your cooling system, but adjusting your habits can alleviate the air conditioner’s burden without making sacrifices.

  • Adjust your thermostat settings to as high as you can tolerate. This will reduce the amount of time your air conditioner runs. This will lower the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures so the unit has less work to do.
  • When outdoor temperatures are mild, turn off the air conditioner and open the windows instead. Just be sure to close the windows before you start up the air conditioner again.
  • Use fans to cool occupied rooms and reduce air conditioning usage. You can keep comfortable even when raising the thermostat temperature a few degrees. Turn fans off when people leave the area to avoid energy waste.

3. Make Prompt Repairs

If your existing system starts to struggle or your home doesn’t feel as comfortable, don’t ignore these signs as there could be something wrong with your air conditioner. Have a professional cooling repair technician inspect your entire system and call for HVAC repairs as soon as they happen instead of waiting for your air conditioner to reach the end of its life. This will resolve any issues quickly and limit the amount of damage that can be done to the system by the faulty part or malfunction. Prompt repairs can keep energy bills low, and your HVAC equipment running efficiently.

Air Conditioner Services in Birmingham

Douglas Cooling & Heating can help you get the most out of your cooling equipment! If you’re worried that your air conditioner will not last through the summer, talk to us about new air conditioner installation services. Contact us to schedule service for your air conditioner, and our team can let you know how much longer you can expect out of your air conditioner.

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How to Find Plumbers in Birmingham

May 3rd, 2022

If you need a plumber in Birmingham, Alabama, do you know how to find one? At some point, everyone needs a plumber – when that time comes, you’ll want to be prepared. So, where can you find plumbers in Birmingham? Douglas Cooling & Heating shares how to find a quality plumbing professional along with the services a good plumber should have to solve your particular plumbing issue.

Where to Look for Plumbers in Birmingham

When it comes time to find plumbers in Birmingham, Al there are a few steps you can take to ensure you’re finding a quality professional.

Ask for Recommendations

Use the power of your network to find local plumbers in Birmingham. Start by asking your nearby friends, family, and neighbors for recommendations. These are people you trust, so they’re more likely to recommend someone who did quality plumbing work for them in the past.

Chances are, someone you know can recommend a good plumbing company. Or, if you’re lucky, they may have even had a positive experience with a plumber and be able to refer you to them. Word-of-mouth is still one of the best ways to find a quality service provider.

Search Professional Organizations

Professional organizations are a great resource when looking for professional plumbing services in the Birmingham area. Two excellent sources are the Alabama PHCC and your local chamber of commerce.

  • The Alabama PHCC is the state chapter of the National Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors Association (PHCC), a national trade organization representing plumbing and HVAC contractors. The PHCC has more than 2,000 member companies in Alabama, so you’re sure to find a qualified plumber who’s right for the job. This ensures that your plumber will have industry experience because they are certified by a trade organization.
  • Your local chamber of commerce can also be a valuable resource. Chambers of commerce are membership organizations made up of businesses in a particular industry or area. They often have directories of their members, which can be helpful when looking for residential or commercial plumbing services.

Check Review Sites

It can be helpful to check reviews online when searching for plumbers in the Birmingham area. Websites like Google and Yelp are great resources for finding feedback from past customers. Keep in mind there is no way to verify these experiences, so a better strategy here is to look for how a company handles both criticisms and praise online. Look for professionalism, quality work, and responsiveness.

Choosing a Plumber to Hire

When it comes time to hire a plumber, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

  • It’s important to find plumbing contractors who hold the proper credentials to legally perform this work in Alabama. Plumbers in Birmingham, Al must hold a state certificate, which requires passing an examination.
  • The plumber you choose should be bonded and insured. That way, you know you’re covered if any damages or accidents occur.
  • Do they have experience in the type of plumbing issue or installation you need? It’s important that you feel confident this professional is able to provide the services you need. If you need emergency plumbing services, be sure to check that they will take a service call after hours.

Common Services Performed by Plumbers in Birmingham

Plumbers in Birmingham, Al thrive on repeat business and referrals. One way to ensure they are the best plumbers for your needs is to make sure they can provide services for a variety of plumbing issues. You may hire a plumber for one thing now, but when you need a different service in the future, it’s always a plus if you are able to work with a professional you already know and trust.

The common residential plumbing services provided by plumbers in Birmingham include:

  • General plumbing repairs
  • Emergency plumbing repair services
  • Piping installation
  • Water heater repair, installation, and maintenance
  • Leak detection and repair
  • Drain cleaning
  • Installation and repair of plumbing fixtures
  • Water quality services
  • Sump pump installation and repair
  • Sewer line installation and repair

Call Douglas Cooling & Heating for Plumbing Help in Birmingham

Douglas Cooling & Heating has a qualified team of plumbers in Birmingham, Al ready to help with all your home plumbing needs. Contact us today to learn more about our business and schedule a service appointment or request an installation quote.

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These Sounds From Your AC Mean Trouble

April 25th, 2022

woman-covering-her-earsWhat do you hear when you use your air conditioner? Do you hear your thermostat click on and hear your AC begin to produce a steady whoosh of cool air? If this is an accurate description of what you experience when your system is on, then your system is probably in pretty good shape.

But what if what you hear is a little different? What if it is really different?

An air conditioner that is making one or more new, concerning noises is a system that really needs an expert AC repair in Birmingham, AL. Let’s look at the noises you should be on the alert for so you know when to contact us for service.

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Kick Off The Season With a New AC Unit

April 11th, 2022

FanWhen the weather around here heats up, it can get really hot. This is why it makes sense that you would want the best possible air conditioner in your home to fend off that heat. So then the question becomes which system is the right one for you if you are in need of a new AC?

Anyone on the hunt for a new cooling system is going to want to take care of the task quickly. That is why we want you to know that we can help. Let’s discuss what your options are for your next AC installation in Birmingham, AL so you can choose the best one for your needs and get your service scheduled.

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5 Signs Your Fireplace Needs Some Assistance

March 28th, 2022

We know that using your fireplace may not be the first thing on your mind lately. You have probably turned your attention more towards making sure that your air conditioner is ready to provide cool air. This is a great choice but we’d suggest giving your fireplace a little attention too.

Much like your heater after a long season of use, your fireplace may be feeling the wear and tear that it has accumulated after several months of regular performance. Yes, your fireplace is built to be used. But, like a car, your system needs some upkeep to allow it to continue doing what it does effectively, efficiently, and safely.

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How to Detect a Toilet Leak

March 25th, 2022

A leaking toilet can lead to a big problem in any Birmingham, AL area home. As toilet leaks worsen, they have the potential to cause significant water damage to your residence and waste many gallons of water. This isn’t just bad for the earth, but leaky toilets can also cause big spikes in your water bill. Learn how to detect a toilet leak early on to avoid the headaches and expenses that come with a major leak. Douglas Cooling & Heating shares the information you need to know to identify toilet leaks and fix minor problems in your bathrooms.

Tips on How to Detect a Toilet Leak

A leak can stem from various areas of a toilet, including the tank and the toilet bowl. Below, you’ll find tips from the Douglas Cooling & Heating plumbing team that will help you detect a toilet leak in these areas. Our licensed Alabama plumbers also explain what you need to do if you do find a leak in one of your toilets.

Toilet Dye Test

The toilet dye test is a great way to confirm where the leaking your leaking toilet is. This test will confirm if your leaky toilet has a leak between the toilet tank and toilet bowl. This is often a silent toilet leak and can go unnoticed for long periods of time. Here are the directions to perform this quick test:

  1. Remove the lid from the toilet tank and set it aside.
  2. Remove any tank cleaners that color the water in the tank. Flush the toilet to clear colored water out of the tank upon removal of these materials.
  3. Once the tank has filled with clear water, add a few drops of food coloring to the tank to tint the water. There needs to be enough food coloring to noticeably change the water color, so add as many drops of food coloring as you need.
  4. Let the toilet sit unused for about 30 minutes.
  5. Check the water in the bowl. If the colored water from the tank has entered the bowl through a leak, you will be able to see the color difference due to the dye added to the tank water.

Pencil Test

The dye test is a great method for how to detect a toilet leak, but what is responsible for this leak? The pencil test is another trick for detecting a silent leak and can help you pinpoint the malfunctioning tank components responsible for the problem.

  1. Use a pencil to mark the water line on the inside of your toilet tank.
  2. Shut off the water supply to the toilet. This can be done by closing the shutoff valve on the water supply line leading into the fixture, which is typically located on the wall underneath or behind the toilet.
  3. Let the toilet sit unused for about 30 minutes.
  4. Check the pencil mark you made inside the tank.
    • If the current water level is higher than the original mark, this indicates a flush valve problem. The float, float arm, or flapper may need to be replaced, or it may be necessary to replace the gasket below the flush valve. This requires taking apart the entire toilet fixture and is a job best left to a plumber.
    • If the mark is level with the current water level, the problem is with the toilet’s fill valve. Replacing the fill valve is a simple fix that handy homeowners may be comfortable tackling themselves, or you can call your plumber to do so instead.
  5. If the pencil test indicated a problem with the flush valve, extend the test and leave the toilet unused overnight. Check the tank water level in the morning – if the tank is nearly empty, this indicates a bad gasket. If the water level is low but the tank isn’t empty, the problem is with a faulty flapper, flapper seat, or float.

Toilet Repair in Birmingham, AL

The above tests are useful for how to detect a toilet leak in your Birmingham, AL area home. If your tests show a leak, call the licensed Alabama plumbers of Douglas Cooling & Heating to schedule an appointment for toilet repairs.

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Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips to Keep in Mind

March 25th, 2022

As you complete home spring cleaning this season, don’t forget to show your cooling system some attention, too! Maintenance care for your air conditioner or heat pump will help the system operate reliably and with greater energy efficiency once hot weather arrives. Here are some important spring HVAC unit maintenance tips to help you out, straight from the heating and cooling pros of Douglas Cooling & Heating.

Schedule a Cooling System Tune Up

Out of all the spring HVAC unit maintenance tips we could share, the most important one is this: schedule a professional annual HVAC maintenance servicing for your air conditioning system or heat pump. Preventative maintenance service for your cooling equipment will prepare your system for reliable performance once hot weather arrives. A tune up in the spring also improves energy efficiency and helps your air conditioning unit or heat pump last longer, too!

During a spring preventative maintenance tune up for your HVAC unit, all aspects of the HVAC system are serviced and inspected to ensure proper operation. Your technician will perform the care your cooling unit needs going into the months of heavy use, so you can rest assured your household has access to cool air when you need it most.

Any flaws in the system can be identified by a professional HVAC technician and corrected right away. This helps you avoid the possibility of a breakdown and a lack of cool air on a hot day, as well as extensive system damage during the summer season. By correcting these defects while they are still minor, you can avoid serious damage to HVAC system components that can cut your cooling system’s service life short.

If you’re concerned that your air conditioning system or heat pump tune up will cost more than its worth – think again. HVAC system tune ups return your unit to peak efficiency which helps you save money on energy bills. Oftentimes, the money you save cooling your home with an efficient system is more than emergency repair bills and inefficient energy usage. Kepp your HVAC system running efficiently to save money in the long run.

Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips

Scheduling professional services aren’t the only spring HVAC maintenance tips homeowners need to address this time of year. Here are some additional HVAC system maintenance tips to practice:

  • Replace the system’s air filters. After a long winter of regular heating system use, your HVAC equipment likely has an old dirty air filter that is full of contaminants. Remove the old filter and install a new replacement filter so it’s ready to go once it’s time to turn on the system again.
  • If you covered your outdoor condensing ac unit over the winter months, be sure to remove the cover before you turn on the air conditioning. Operating the system with a cover over the outdoor unit can lead to serious damage.
  • Clean up the outdoor unit. Clear away any yard debris that have collected along the unit’s fins. Remove any weeds growing up around the unit’s base. Trim bushes and limbs growing near the unit. Remove all items stored in the immediate area surrounding the unit, leaving at least two feet of clear space on all sides.
  • Adjust your thermostat settings. Reprogram your programmable thermostat with your preferred temperatures for cooling season and adjust scheduled temperature adjustments according to the household’s current schedule. Be sure to use efficient temperature settings over long periods when the home is unoccupied to cut your energy bills in the Summer.
  • Make sure all vents throughout the home are open and unobstructed. Check all supply vent covers and return air vents – set all louvered covers to the open position and remove any furniture, rugs, or other items that may be blocking airflow through the vent.

Schedule Cooling Maintenance Services Today

Practice the spring HVAC maintenance tips above and your cooling system will be well prepared to keep your family comfortable come summer. Contact Douglas Cooling & Heating today to schedule routine maintenance to prep your air conditioner or heat pump for the summer months ahead.

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What Short Cycling Means For Your Heater

March 14th, 2022

How happy would you be to have a car that didn’t drive very far before turning off? You likely would take the car to be repaired or replaced. So why let your heater struggle through a similar pattern?

Short cycling is a distinct issue that many heaters will encounter at some point. The thing to remember is that short cycling means you need to schedule heating repair in Hoover, AL as soon as you can. This is because this issue is both a warning and a problem caused. Don’t let short cycling go unaddressed!

Read on to learn more about this problem and get the repairs you need quickly, before a breakdown.

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Battle Allergy Season With These Tips

February 28th, 2022

woman-blowing-noseThe sun is making its presence known and things are (hopefully) warming up again. You are looking forward to picnics in the park and maybe some nice afternoons on the patio talking with friends. Your problem is that your sinuses may not allow any of this to be possible.

Allergy season can be a killer of your fun times, especially if your body never gets a reprieve from the onslaught of pollen, dirt, dust, and other particles that aggravate things. We know that springtime and the large number of blooming plants it creates can be an issue for those of us with allergies. We want to help.
Use these tips to help battle your allergies this season and turn your home into a breathable safe haven again.

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The Importance of Resealing a Bathtub

February 25th, 2022

Plumbing fixtures are built to last, but over time they do begin to show signs of wear and age. When materials used to install the fixture or the fixture itself start to degrade, the issue isn’t always just cosmetic. This wear could lead to leaks and serious water damage that comes with an expensive repair bill. If your bathtub sealing has started to break down, this is a problem you don’t want to ignore. Douglas Cooling & Heating explains why bathtubs should be resealed and the signs that tell you it’s time to start resealing your bathtub.

Why We Seal Bathtubs

Bathtubs come in many shapes and sizes. Freestanding and uniquely shaped soaking tubs are growing in popularity. However, not all bathrooms have the space necessary to accommodate these fixtures. Many homes throughout the Birmingham, AL area have bathrooms that are laid out with a tub that will sit against the wall on one or more of its sides. These tubs are functional and made to fit a space, and have been used for decades. 

When bathtubs like this are installed, they must be sealed along the sides where the tub meets the wall. The drain fittings may also be sealed. If the bathtub isn’t sealed, a gap is created between the fixture and the wall. As bathtubs are made to hold water and facilitate showering, it’s inevitable that water will find its way out of the fixture and down into these spaces. 

An unsealed bathtub will allow water to run down between the fixture and the wall with pretty much every use, to some extent. The water will pool down on the floor and creep underneath the tub, out of sight and out of mind. As time goes on, the water will rot out the woodwork below and around the tub and even cause mold to develop in these hidden areas. Eventually, the floor around the tub could warp or cave in, and long-term mold exposure in the home could cause some harmful health issues amongst your loved ones. Repairing water damage and mold remediation can be quite expensive, especially compared to the extremely affordable cost of resealing a bathtub throughout the years.

Signs It’s Time to Start Resealing a Bathtub

Depending on the material your bathtub is made of, this fixture can be expected to last anywhere from 10 to 25 years without glazing the bathtub again. Unfortunately, the remaining sealant used to install a bathtub doesn’t last as long. Poor installation, mold and mildew development, exposure to chemicals from regular cleaning your bathtub, and other factors can cause the bathtub’s caulking to break down over time. When the material has degraded, it can allow water to escape into the spaces between the tub and the wall and collect in this area, causing moisture and mold problems down the line.

Resealing a bathtub is typically needed a few times over the years in between bathtub installation and replacement. How do you know when it’s necessary to start resealing a bathtub? Here are some signs to be on the lookout for:

  • Current caulk is 5 years old or more. With proper installation, the caulking around a bathtub can be expected to last around 5 years before it begins to degrade and fail. If the last time you found yourself resealing a bathtub was 5 or more years ago, now’s the time to get some new caulk and do the job again.
  • Your brand-new home is 1 year old. While bathroom caulking typically lasts 5 years when properly installed, caulk around tubs in newly built homes may experience problems after just one year. This is because the new home can do some settling in that first year, which can cause the caulk to separate from the bathtub or wall surfaces. Just to be safe, start resealing a bathtub in a newly built home after a year.
  • Existing caulk is stained. If the caulk around your tub has been stained, it’s possible the stains were caused by mold. As caulk breaks down, mold and mildew build up can even start developing within this material! Take stained caulk as a sign of potential mold growth and start resealing a bathtub to remove this growth from your home.
  • Caulk is cracked, peeling, or pieces are missing. When your bathtub caulking is reaching the end of its lifespan, it starts to show signs of damage and can peel away from the surfaces. If you see signs of damage to the caulk, it’s time to reseal your tub.

If you want to tackle this job yourself, you’ll need a lot of tools. Masking tape, utility knife, caulk, or silicone sealant will help as well. Resealing a bathtub yourself can be an easy chore if you follow the directions closely and have all the proper tools handy. 

Professional Services for Birmingham Bathtubs

Resealing a bathtub isn’t a job every homeowner wants to deal with on their own. If you’re due to replace the caulk around your tub, leave it to the pros! Call Douglas Cooling & Heating today for plumbing fixture repairs and our licensed plumbers will get to work resealing a bathtub for you right away!

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